Sunday, September 28, 2008

Creating Change

With the elections quickly moving closer there has been much talk about change. Changing the way we do business in Washington, changing the way we approach our energy dependence, changing the way we handle our finances, and changing the patterns of the past that no longer serve our voyage into the 21st century.
Artists (musicians, painters, dancers, writers, actors, etc) have always had a reputation for being at the forefront of change. In fact they often have been accused of being catalysts for changes in our society. With that in mind, it occurred to me how important our creativity is in times of change. Whether we have inspired, caused or encouraged change in one way or another we continue that creative mindset as we move into transforming times.
So if you are feeling overwhelmed during these “uncertain times” then you might find comfort in the idea that your contributions through your creative works might be part of the solution to our global problems. “What?” you are probably saying to yourself, “my painting, my poem, my song is a solution? How can that be?”
Well, by each of us continuing to allow our imaginations and instincts to create new concepts we may be lighting a match to create the fire of inspiration beneath a new generation of leaders, business and community workers. When we allow ourselves to stay on purpose with our creative endeavors with a sincere interest in the process we are connecting in a most profound way with the world in a spirit of change.

Yesterday I read that the brilliant actor, activist, and humanitarian Paul Newman passed away at the age of 83. His donations and services to many charities were applauded by the world. Through his ability to dig deep inside and use his creative gifts as an actor he left us with a catalog of memorable films. These were the same creative gifts he used to develop his food products that allowed him to give millions to charities and to even create his own special charities including the Hole In The Wall Gang Camp that helps children with severe illness. Please check out this link to read about his legacy:
We must never forget the tremendous value our creativity serves not only to ourselves but also to others. Whenever you doubt whether you should finish that painting, publish that book, record that song, dance in that concert, or read your poem at a local café please keep in mind that you never know how your creativity will effect others or help to create some needed change in our lives.
I honor our fellow creative beings, like Paul Newman, who instinctively understood the depth of their creativity.

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