Monday, July 27, 2009

Vocal Improvisation as a Tool for Creativy Enhancement

I've been thinking lately about how to use vocal improvisation to help people become more creative and spontaneous in their lives. So I am working on some workshops for musicians and non-musicians to find the inner depths through making sound through their bodies.

This is by no means a new concept as people have been using sound for a long time to inspire creative thought and even spiritual evolution. Mine is a combination of what I have learned as a jazz improviser, new music/electronic music improviser, and sound healing. I think there is a way to find a "cognitive high" from working with people on this level.

If anyone is interested I will be doing some workshops in Ojai, CA coming up in the future.


Anonymous said...

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Jim Baxter said...

Each individual human being possesses a unique, highly developed, and
sensitive perception of variety. Thus aware, man is endowed with a natural
capability for enacting internal mental and external physical selectivity.
Quantitative and qualitative choice-making thus lends itself as the superior
basis of an active intelligence.

Human is earth's Choicemaker. His title describes his definitive and
typifying characteristic. Recall that his other features are but vehicles of
experience intent on the development of perceptive awareness and the
following acts of decision and choice. Note that the products of man cannot
define him for they are the fruit of the discerning choicemaking process and
include the cognition of self, the utility of experience, the development of
value measuring systems and language, and the acculturation of

The arts and the sciences of man, as with his habits, customs, and
traditions, are the creative harvest of his perceptive and selective powers.
Creativity, the creative process, is a choice-making process. His articles,
constructs, and commodities, however marvelous to behold, deserve neither
awe nor idolatry, for man, not his contrivance, is earth's own highest
expression of the creative process.

Human is earth's Choicemaker. The sublime and significant act of choosing
is, itself, the Archimedean fulcrum upon which man levers and redirects the
forces of cause and effect to an elected level of quality and diversity.
Further, it orients him toward a natural environmental opportunity, freedom,
and bestows earth's title, The Choicemaker, on his singular and plural brow.